Friday, May 7, 2010


OK, so it’s been a while since I last blogged, but hey - there’s been a lot going on with filming, etc. Blah, blah, blah...

Anyhooo - I was sitting having a little lunch at Mulberry Street Pizza in Beverly Hills. As usual, with any restaurant in Los Angeles, I sit so that I am facing the door - afterall, you never know who you might see entering.

As I am biting into my slice of cheese pizza, who walks in, but Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr., picking up his order. What no delivery for Iron Man? He picks up his own pizza? I’m impressed!

Of course, rather than finish my own pizza, I just drop my slice and quicker than Iron Man himself, walk over to introduce myself. ’Hey Robert’, I call. ’Who dat?’ he replies. We chat a bit, I offer to deliver his pizza - he laughs but in a ’OK, this guy is making me nervous’ type of way. Hey - gotta make as much small talk with a big star as you can - keep the conversation going - lengthen the star-filled moment.

After his, ’catch you later’, Robert Downey walks away with his pizza. I walk away knowing that even though I only ordered a cheese pizza with no toppings, nothing could have topped meeting Iron Man - Robert Downey Jr. To top it off, the pizza was really good! OK, OK, enought with the ’topping’ play on words!

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